This week I realised that we are fast approaching the 1 year land mark birthday. Where did that year go? He has completely uncurled. The baby stage is gone. He is shuffling on his bottom from room to room, exploring the world. Fighting for his toys, demanding his sibling toys and full of cuddles and kisses.

But in the background he lives with allergies, where his body doesnt like dairy, egg, soya, tree nuts and some fruits. The MMR vaccine concerns me as evidence in literature shows there is a trace of egg protein. Some reseach states the vaccine is cultured in egg but the egg trace is so low it is safe in the use of children with egg allergies.

Professor John Warner, Chair of the BSACI Paediatric Allergy Group and Professor of Paediatrics at St. Marys Hospital, London said "Egg-allergic children who have not had problems with other vaccinations can safely be given the MMR in primary care. Specialist asssessment is only required if any previous vaccinations have resulted in severe allergic reation (including any breathing problems or collapse)"
In addition the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology guideines for the management of egg allergy agrees that all children with egg allergies should receive the MMR. They explain that large number of studies of egg-allergic children show there is no increased risk of severe allergic reactions to the vaccines. Children who have documented anaphylaxis to the vaccine itsself should be assessed by an allergist.

So I understand why my allergist is not concerned about Thomas recieving the MMR in primary care.

On it advices that if a child is allergic to egg. Immunisation under supervision by a paediatrician is advisable.

So what if he does react? What then? These are factors I have to consider in my decision making process
1. The closest A&E is 1 hour in ambulance
2. Majority of ambulance technicians are not paramedics.
3. Primary Care is not set up for such emergencies.
4. Very importantly the GP is not happy to administer the MMR to Thomas.
5. Experienced mothers to egg allergic children say that even though their children did not react to the MMR they would have certainly considered paederiatic supervision if they were aware that there is a trace of egg in the MMR.
6. A medical colleague suggested single dose of the MMR.

Even though the research is clear that the MMR is safe to administer to egg allergic children. I have to consider the huge flashing factor here is my GP is not happy to administer the MMR to Thomas. My instinct tells me to take all precautions and go with the safe, security of the hospital environment.

On the introduction of this blog I write "Questioning is the door to knowledge". You are your child's advocate. You need to develop your knowledge make informed discussions. I am writing this piece to show you;
How I reached MY decision.
How I problem solve.

This decision is not right for each individual child. You as the parent need to write down the pros and cons and come to your own decision. You need to research! Ask for support and advice! Question!

So I have asked my GP to organise that Thomas has his MMR in a hospital environment under the supervision of the paediatrics.

I will keep you posted but need to organise a dairy, soya and egg free birthday party first!

This is not medical advice!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Afraid of introducing fish to your allergy baby!

Ohhhh how I put off the introduction of fish... As fish is one of the top 8 allergens I was very nervous about introducing fish.   If you baby is allergic to fish I would recommend do not introduce fish without medical supervision.  Avoidance is the best treatment.   However, I followed these steps:
1.  His blood results were negative to fish allergies. So speak to you Immunologist about you babys blood results.
2. If you are introducing a new food, pick lunch time or morning time. 
3. Inform your partner or friend so you have support if needed.
4. Ensure you know where his/her medication are.
5.Try a small amount, they will react within a few minutes if they are going to react.
6. Observe after the meal, some times they will develop a hive rash under the chin, behind their legs.  Treat as instructed by your specialist eg antihistamine.  If this occurs stop feeding and treat.  Follow your action plan.

On we advice on signs and symptoms of analphlaxis and action plans.

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