This week I realised that we are fast approaching the 1 year land mark birthday. Where did that year go? He has completely uncurled. The baby stage is gone. He is shuffling on his bottom from room to room, exploring the world. Fighting for his toys, demanding his sibling toys and full of cuddles and kisses.

But in the background he lives with allergies, where his body doesnt like dairy, egg, soya, tree nuts and some fruits. The MMR vaccine concerns me as evidence in literature shows there is a trace of egg protein. Some reseach states the vaccine is cultured in egg but the egg trace is so low it is safe in the use of children with egg allergies.

Professor John Warner, Chair of the BSACI Paediatric Allergy Group and Professor of Paediatrics at St. Marys Hospital, London said "Egg-allergic children who have not had problems with other vaccinations can safely be given the MMR in primary care. Specialist asssessment is only required if any previous vaccinations have resulted in severe allergic reation (including any breathing problems or collapse)"
In addition the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology guideines for the management of egg allergy agrees that all children with egg allergies should receive the MMR. They explain that large number of studies of egg-allergic children show there is no increased risk of severe allergic reactions to the vaccines. Children who have documented anaphylaxis to the vaccine itsself should be assessed by an allergist.

So I understand why my allergist is not concerned about Thomas recieving the MMR in primary care.

On it advices that if a child is allergic to egg. Immunisation under supervision by a paediatrician is advisable.

So what if he does react? What then? These are factors I have to consider in my decision making process
1. The closest A&E is 1 hour in ambulance
2. Majority of ambulance technicians are not paramedics.
3. Primary Care is not set up for such emergencies.
4. Very importantly the GP is not happy to administer the MMR to Thomas.
5. Experienced mothers to egg allergic children say that even though their children did not react to the MMR they would have certainly considered paederiatic supervision if they were aware that there is a trace of egg in the MMR.
6. A medical colleague suggested single dose of the MMR.

Even though the research is clear that the MMR is safe to administer to egg allergic children. I have to consider the huge flashing factor here is my GP is not happy to administer the MMR to Thomas. My instinct tells me to take all precautions and go with the safe, security of the hospital environment.

On the introduction of this blog I write "Questioning is the door to knowledge". You are your child's advocate. You need to develop your knowledge make informed discussions. I am writing this piece to show you;
How I reached MY decision.
How I problem solve.

This decision is not right for each individual child. You as the parent need to write down the pros and cons and come to your own decision. You need to research! Ask for support and advice! Question!

So I have asked my GP to organise that Thomas has his MMR in a hospital environment under the supervision of the paediatrics.

I will keep you posted but need to organise a dairy, soya and egg free birthday party first!

This is not medical advice!

Dairy, Soya, Egg and Tree Nut Free Recipes

Quinoa and Blueberry
Quinoa grain mixed with hot water
Blueberry boiled in small amount of water and puree (6months)
Blueberry chopped (7/8 months onwards)

Mix together and serve.

Quinoa, banana and Blueberry

As above just add mashed or diced banana

Quinoa and Mango

As above just add puree mango. I find mango too hard for Thomas to give diced. Due to its strng taste, this is not a great first fruit but can be introduced at 8 months.


Quinoa contains Protein, Vitamin A,C, B1. B2, Folate and niacin.Potassum, Calcium and Iron and is gluten free.

Blueberry's dont fall under the " do not give berrys until 12months" rule. They aree a great source of Vitamin A and C and fiber. Small amount of iron.

Banana has good souce of Vitamin B6, B2 C,and Potassium. Small amount of iron.

Mangos have a high amount of Vitamin A,C and B. They have a high amount of carotenids, fiber with some iron, potassium and protein.

I didnt give rice as I felt Thomas had an intolerance to baby rice. New recommendations are to start with puree fruits. Other grains I found great are wholegrain oats, wholegrain spelt and wholegrain millet.

When you find a cereal off the shelf. Ring the company ask them if there are dairy product in the cereal or on the production line. I have found companies very helpful and they have emailed their allergy information to me.

Snacks/Finger food

heerios, Organix Rice cakes, Quinoa Flakes with sugar cane, Organix sweetcorn rings, Rusks (still testing on day 4 of weaning), banana, grapes (halved), blue berries (chopped), butternut (roasted with oil and thymne), Jelly.

Dairy and Soya free Super Fluffy Pancakes

Ideal for breakfast or a treat!

This are super fluffy delicious pancakes for finger food and one the whole family can enjoy. You can add blueberries and/or diced banana into the cold mixture.

150g of white flour
3 tablespoons of caster sugar
1 pinch of salt
2 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder
45mls of melted margarine*
210 mls of water/ rice milk*

1. Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt together in a meduim mixing bowl.
2. Melted the margarine and add to the water/rice milk and mix well.
3. Stir the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients. Until moistened dont worry if there are some lumps. However, if you are like me and tied for time put everything into the blender and blitz! You can add blue berries and banana after blitzing.
4. Cook the pancakes until they are bubbly on the top and the bottom is golden brown approx 4 mins.
5. Flip over you pancakes cook the other side.

For over 1 year you can serve with honey/maple syrup. or slice as great finger for food.

Notes *
Rice Milk is dairy and lactose free, gluten free, low in saturated fats. It is made from water and rice. It does not contain as much calcium and protein as normal cows milk but most commerical rice milk are foritified with calcium,, vitamins thiamine, B6 and B12.

Margarine- This is a tricky find in Ireland however, there are dairy free, soya free maragines on the market in large shopping stores. I rubbed the maragine on Thomas leg first to test for allergy and then used with potato or dairy free homemade bread. I will not recommend a brand as I think this is individual to the child. But you can email me for ideas.

Introducing Fish to your allergy baby
The one thing that Thomas can eat; is fish and he loves it. White fish like Plaice (flounder), Whiting or Cod are great to start with. They are not very strong tasting.

I buy mine from the Donegal fish monger at the Roscommon farmers market. He can tell me where it is caught, it is not farmed fish, it is fresh and I know it has not been in contact with dairy produce. I think that there is less chance of cross contaminaton with dairy as he only deals with fish.

When introducing a new few food like fish to a child with allergies,
1. Introduce the food in the afternoon
2. Ensure you know where your medicines are and are of easy reach.
3. Inform your partner or friend that you are trying a new food and you may require assistance.
4. Give the baby a few spoons and monitor how he/she is, they normally react very soon after indigestion if they are going too react.
5. Try to relax, I know this is hard. But I think they sense your stress.
6. Follow the 4 day rule of weaning. Give it to them for 4 days and monitor for any of the sign of a reaction.

Well, when I fed Thomas this dish I had no choice but to continue feeding him as he loved it soooooo much.

Also the one thing our babies can have are fresh herbs to brighten up their meal.

My First Fish with a creamy Dairy and Soya Free White Sauce.

4 1/2 ounces of plaice, whiting or cod.
1 bay leaf
Sprig of Parsley
5ounces of carrot (i use potato as he is intolerant to carrot)
1ounce of frozen peas
150ml of rice milk*
1 tablespoon of corn flour or flour.
25g sunflower margarine/1tablespoon olive oil.

1. Put the fish and bay leaf in a saucepan, cover with the rice milk. Cook for approx 5 mins until fish is soft. Strain and keep the cooking liquid this will make your sauce.
2. Put the diced carrots or potatoes in water, bring to the boil for 15minutes adding the frozen peas and boiling for a further 5 mins.
3. To make the cheese sauce place 1 tablespoon of cornflour or flour into a heavy saucepan with 25g melted sunflower margarine or olive oil and make a roux, gradually add in the rice milk (remove bay leaf) whisking all the time. Simmer until thick. Chop your parsley and add to sauce. (it may look a little watery but tastes great.)

Now mash you poached fish, vegetables and serve with you creamy white sauce.

For a puree, you can thin it out using more rice milk or the baby's normal formula. I find if you blend potato it becomes sticky.

yum yum yum....

1 comment:

  1. I am just in the door after finishing the weekly food shop.... I use this as an oppurtunity to clean out the fridge. Rather than throwing out those wilting vegetables out make a vegetable stock.

    There is no science to this..... put you vegetables into a pot with bay leaf, thymne and parsley. Season with Salt and Pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain into a jug.

    1. Place it in a jug in the fridge

    2. Or freeze in ice cube trays in the freezer.

    Having to shop for a child with allergies can get expensive this way you can cut down on cost.
